Newsletters and Communication
Please see below our latest news and Newsletters.
These communications are also added to the School Jotter 2 app along with been added to this website page.
Latest Newsletters
- 11 Sep 2024
Themed LunchGood afternoon,
On the 8th October we will be having an American themed lunch.
Please find attached the menu.
A menu and date reminder will be placed in the notice boards.
Kindest regards,
Bailey Heywood
School office - 11 Sep 2024
**Year 6 Singing Event Opportunity**Good morning,
We hope our families are well.
Please find attached a letter relating to a singing opportunity for the Year 6 children as part of the Young Voices Choir at the Utilita Sheffield Arena in January. This has been discussed with the children today and sign up will start tomorrow morning with very limited places on a first come, first served basis.
Kind regards,
Hinchliffe Mill School Office - 09 Sep 2024
Head liceGood morning,
We have been alerted to a case of headlice within school, please be vigilant.
Headlice cannot be prevented, but wet combing hair regularly and using a detection comb means you can catch any headlice early. Children with headlice can continue coming to school as long as the head lice are being treated at home.
If you child does have headlice we ask that you let us know as soon as possible.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any issues.
Kind regards,
Bailey Heywood
School office - 06 Sep 2024
**OAK CLASS **Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please can all children bring their PE Kits for next Monday. I understand some child already have a PE kit in school, if so please disregard this post.
Kind regards,
Bailey Heywood
School office - 06 Sep 2024
Diary DatesGood afternoon,
I hope all our families are well. The children have had a fantastic first week back at school and it’s so lovely to see them all so enthused about their learning.
At this point I thought it would be helpful to have an overview of dates coming up throughout the year. These are attached for your perusal. You may notice a few things the school has never done before, so I wanted to take this opportunity to elaborate on some of these.
• Meet the Teacher – This session is a casual session where you have an opportunity to drop in and meet your child’s class teacher, see the classroom and ask any questions you may have.
• Music Sessions – This year we are trialling music sessions. From September to February half term Oak Class will get to experience violin lessons and from February half term until July Rowan Class will experience ukulele lessons. These are with instrumental specialists from Musica. The children will be loaned an instrument so they can practise at home and bring them into school on the relevant day for their lessons.
• Open Book Parents Drop in Evenings – These are casual sessions where parents can drop in to classrooms to speak to the teacher informally about their child, the progress their child is making and have a look through books. These ensure that parents can be part of their child’s learning at least every half term with more formalised meets during Parents’ Evenings and reports throughout the year.
• Family Learning – It’s an opportunity for you as a parent or carer to experience life as a child at Hinchliffe Mill and spend some quality time with your child in the classroom. It’s a great opportunity to see how we teach and also how children learn. These sessions will be limited in number in order not to overwhelm the classroom environment and children who may have additional needs. A letter will be coming out this half term for these sessions with further information and how to sign up.
• DT Showcases – This is an opportunity for parents and carers to see the brilliant creations the children have produced and them to ‘showcase’ their skills and talents. Details will be sent out closer to the time of each event.
• The PTA have very kindly funded all children to see Dick Whittington for the Christmas Pantomime at the Lawrence Batley Theatre this year.
• National Storytelling Week – This will be an opportunity for parents and carers to visit the school to read their favourite children’s book to a class. We call this the mystery reader as we never tell the children who will turn up each day!
• Young Voices – We are looking to start a Choir where the children will be able to learn songs to perform with a number of other schools at Sheffield Arena in January. More information will follow shortly.
• Class Assemblies – We will be holding Class Assemblies in March where children from each class will be able to showcase their learning so far.
• Rowan Class Robinwood Residential – Rowan Class will be taking part in a residential at Dobroyd Castle in Todmorden in April. Mrs Holgate will be in touch in due course with further information.
In and amongst these opportunities and events, more may crop up along the way. If any additional opportunities and events happen, we will be in contact with parents and carers at the earliest opportunity.
As mentioned in a message yesterday, we are currently reviewing our communications to parents and the platforms used. Where possible we are looking to use two platforms rather than several in order to support parents to go to one main space. We will be in touch once this review is completed and make parents aware of any changes and how to use the communication systems that are selected. We are also considering regular notices rather than newsletters through a platform so you can see what’s necessary for your child rather than the whole school. We will be continuing to use Facebook as our social media platform, which teachers will update each week with the goings on that are happening at Hinchliffe Mill.
Celebration Assemblies will continue to be on a Friday at 3:00pm starting from today. Values Assemblies are outlined on the attached diary dates. The only change will be that Headteacher Awards will be presented by me on weeks where I am conducting the assembly. Mrs Holgate and I are hoping to do them on a rota every other week. Things do crop up in school, so this may have to change at times dependent on the needs of us as senior leaders.
I am currently working closely with all staff and the governors to ensure the school continues on it’s stabilisation journey in order to offer the best education and experiences to your children. There could be bumps along the way but the progress made so far, and as noted by OFSTED, shows that we are on an upward trajectory to ensure the school can be the best it can.
I would like to finally thank you as parents and carers for your continued support of me, the staff and the school. I know the journey hasn’t always been easy but we are very committed to you and your children. As ever, if you have any queries or concerns, please do contact us via the school office where we will be more than happy to help in any way we can.
I wish you all a pleasant weekend.
Kind regards,
Damien Bond
Acting Executive Headteacher - 06 Sep 2024
Locala Flu CampaignDear Parents/Guardians
Please find attached to this post the Locala Flu letter that was sent out at the beginning of the week.
Kind regards,
Bailey Heywood
Office - 06 Sep 2024
** Cherry Class Only**Dear Parents/ Guardians,
Can we please ask that on PE days (Every Tuesday) that children come to school in their PE kits. If your child has already brought in their PE kit it will be sent home with them this afternoon.
Many thanks,
Bailey Heywood
Office - 06 Sep 2024
Celebration Assembly - 6th SeptemberGood morning,
We hope all our families are well.
Today will be our first Celebration Assembly for any parents that can make it and would like to join us at 3:00pm.
We look forward to seeing some of you there!
Kind regards,
Hinchliffe Mill School Office - 05 Sep 2024
Autumn First Half Term ClubsGood afternoon
We hope all our families are well.
After some parental feedback, we are aware of some confusion surrounding clubs and how these have been communicated previously and how they have been communicated this half term.
The office have sent out a letter on Parent Pay on this occasion explaining the clubs that are available for the half term. This has been updated and attached here for ease. There has been a slight change with Football and Basketball being made available to both Oak and Rowan class. We would like to apologise for any confusion for parents that have seen the previous letter where this was outlined for separate classes. Clubs are now available to select on ParentPay to start next week. There has been a separate letter sent for Lego Club on paper, this was due to the urgency of this being available to see if it is viable.
We are currently reviewing our communication platforms in order to streamline and ensure that parents receive what they need rather than information for other classes and children that might not be relevant to them. We will keep you posted of any changes that are being made.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in the office.
Kind regards,
Hinchliffe Mill School Office - 05 Sep 2024
PTA meetingDear Parent/ Guardians,
The PTA would like to invite you all to the first meeting of the school year.
Please join us on Monday 23rd of September, 7pm at school to discuss events and fundraising opportunities for your school.
We would love to see a few new faces and, even if you decide not to join the committee, coming along to a meeting is a great way to make a contribution whilst having a chat with/getting to know some other parents.
If you have any questions in advance, please feel free to email the committee ( or ask the office to put you in touch with a PTA member.
We hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
PTA Committee
Monthly Newsletters