Hinchliffe Mill Junior & Infant School


History Leaders: Mr Bond and Mrs Broughton (Holme School)


The Intention for History at our school

Why is it important to learn History?

History is vital to a rich and broad primary education. The actions of others in History can help us to make choices for our future which are of benefit to all.   When we learn about History it helps us to understand the world we live in and why it is like it is. Through education, we learn that people are not always the same as ourselves and once we understand this, we can understand and accept the differences between people.

What does History look like at Hinchliffe Mill?

We aim to deliver a history curriculum that is exciting, inspiring and allows all our pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We use a termly topic-based approach and we plan exciting topic launches and school visits where possible to hook children’s interest and curiosity.


How is History taught across school?

History is taught as a topic based subject in three half terms over the year. In the half terms when History isn't taught Geography will be taught in its place. 

How is History Assessed? 

Assessment is completed in both a formative and summative format. An assessment of pupil knowledge is completed after the planned unit has been taught. Prior to this, a learning quiz is also conducted at the start of each new topic to ascertain the retention of prior understanding, knowledge and vocabulary.

Further to this each sessions starts with a short recap of vocabulary, learning outcomes from the previous lesson, previous unit or previous unit taught in the subject the year before.

What adjustments are made to ensure that learning is accessible to all pupils?  

Planning identifies areas for support for all pupils with additional needs and differentiation of outcomes, resources and tasks are in place so that all pupils can meet the desired learning outcomes for the lesson and unit of work. Each unit has specific learning intentions for pupils who are SEND, working at an Advancing or Deeper Level. This supports our mixed age classes to ensure that challenge and support is present as part of their learning diet.

How do we promote learning in History?

  • A historical time line in the playground is used to show an informative and pictorial representation of history through time.
  • Assemblies celebrate the accomplishments of many significant people throughout history.
  • Unit 'hooks' to inspire, planned visits and visitors are built into the planned themes to bring history to life
  • Children are encouraged to be historical detectives outside school and research the topic they are studying. 


 Understanding the World - EYFS

National Curriculum - History - Key Stage 1 & 2 

Long Term Planning - History

National Curriculum -

History Coverage 

History Progression of Skills Map