Hinchliffe Mill Junior & Infant School


Maths Leaders: Mrs Holgate and Mrs Broughton (Holme School)


The intention for Maths at our school

It is our intent that all our pupils learn the essential Mathematical tools which will allow them to have a deeper understanding of Mathematical concepts. Developing problem solving and reasoning skills is an important thread that runs through our Maths lessons. Children are challenged to explain their reasoning, develop their oracy skills and become solution-focused.  

Why Is Maths important to learn?

Mathematics is important in our everyday life, allowing us to make sense of the world around us and to manage our lives. Using mathematics enables us to model real-life situations and make connections and informed predictions. It equips us with the skills we need to interpret and analyse information, simplify and solve problems, assess risk and make informed decisions.

Mathematics plays an important role in areas such as science or technologies, and is vital to research and development in fields such as engineering, computing science, medicine and finance. Learning mathematics gives children and young people access to the wider curriculum and the opportunity to pursue further studies and interests.

As Mathematics is a stimulating, it engages and fascinates learners of all ages, interests and abilities. Learning Mathematics develops logical reasoning, analysis, problem-solving skills, creativity and the ability to think in abstract ways. It uses a universal language of numbers and symbols which allows us to communicate ideas in a concise, unambiguous and rigorous way.

Mathematics equips us with many of the skills required for life, learning and work. Understanding the part that Maths plays in almost all aspects of life is crucial. This reinforces the need for Mathematics to play an integral part in lifelong learning and be appreciated for the richness it brings.

What Does Maths at Hinchliffe Mill School look Like?

Mathematical knowledge will be delivered, explored and revisited. Children will be taught to develop resilience and self-confidence when applying these skills to their learning. The collaboration between learners and their class teacher will drive the learning and develop interpersonal skills. Vocabulary used in lessons will maximise progress and nurture learning opportunities for our pupils. We aim to encourage all our children to achieve their full potential and have high aspirations in maths.


How is Maths Taught across school?

At Hinchliffe Mill School we implement our approach through high quality teaching and the delivery of appropriately pitched work for all groups of learners following the White Rose Maths schemes of work.

Pupils in EYFS- Reception access their Maths learning through daily taught sessions and the continuous provision within and outside of the classroom. Within the continuous provision pupils have the freedom to further explore these mathematical concepts through concrete resources and creative opportunities. In addition to this, they are encouraged to follow their own mathematical lines of enquiry, which are supported through effective adult modelling and interactions.

Pupils in Years 1 to 6 follow the White Rose Maths Planning which supports consolidation, challenge and fluency. Mathematical resources such as: Numicon, Diennes, place value counters, number lines and hundred squares - not to limit it to these- are available in classrooms to support concrete understanding before pupils are fluent with abstract Mathematical concepts.  Varied starting points and timely teacher interventions are utilised in response to teachers’ ongoing formative assessments through effective deployment of teaching assistants.  Some children with SEND receive a tailored programme of maths teaching in order to close their gaps.

In addition to daily maths lessons, pupils in Y1 to Y6 are provided with daily opportunities to practise their mental and calculation knowledge.  This serves to reinforce and consolidate previous learning; increase fluency, speed and accuracy; and improve confidence.  Regular use of ‘TT Rock Stars’ within school and home enables children to practise multiplication and division knowledge.

How is Maths Assessed? 

In EYFS, Number and Number patterns is a specific area of learning and pupils are assessed as part of the day to day observations. At the end of Reception, children are assessed as being emerging, expected in this based on Early Learning Goals.

In KS1 and KS2, Summative and Formative assessments are used to provide staff with the necessary formative information for succession planning, identifying the gaps in children’s learning, as individuals and groups, so that ‘learning gaps’ can be planned for an addressed. Summative assessment takes place termly using PUMA - Progress in Understanding Mathematical Assessment.

What adjustments are made to ensure that learning is accessible to all pupils?

Teacher planning identifies varied starting points and timely teacher intervention and support work through formative assessments. These are utilised in response to effectively deploy Educational Teaching Assistants, plan next steps in learning and differentiate learning activities.  Some children with SEND receive a tailored programme of Maths teaching in order to close their gaps.

  • Vocabulary display, word wall, maths working wall
  • Understanding children’s circumstances and experiences
  • Good communication with parents/carers
  • Use of support staff
  • Carefully modelling
  • Flexible with content, adapt to needs of the class or situation
  • Previous Progress drives to support children working below year group expectations.
  • Concrete objects used to support teaching of concepts EYFS, KS1, KS2
  • Differentiation of questioning using the progress drives to direct appropriate questions.
  • Concepts taught using Visual, Kinaesthetic and auditory to encompass all learning types.

How Do We promote Maths?

Maths is promoted beyond the Maths lessons and applied across the wider curriculum, enabling children to consolidate and apply their Mathematical understanding.

Cultural Capital at Hinchliffe Mill School is something we are passionate about throughout all subjects. Maths is a topic that lends itself well to real life situations as we use Maths all the time throughout our lives. We have annual themed Maths day, to raise the profile of Maths and to introduce them to mathematicians that have had an impact on our lives. We have inter school times table competitions through TTRS. 

On a regular basis, we look at real-life topics through our maths lessons, which enhances our children’s cultural capital such as: calculating with money, reading timetables, measuring and links with computing such as programming and pattern.

We also hold our weekly 'Special Mentions Assembly' which celebrates the amazing effort pupils put into learning their times tables and their general Mathematical progress and learning in Maths. 

Maths Long Term Planning

Years: 1 - 6

Maths Calculation Policy 

End of Year Expectations Y1 - 6

Maths Long Term Planning

EYFS - Reception

End of Year Early Learning Goals for EYFS

                             Focus on Maths                               Number and Number Patterns